Monday, October 3, 2011

TDM FM Updates: Business as Usual and The Siege Shop

I was over at ModDB the other day, and saw that there are some updates for a couple of great mods for The Dark Mod. First off, as the title suggests, “The Siege Shop” by PranQster has been updated to version 1.2. The Siege Shop is one of the latest FMs released for TDM – it was uploaded back in about June this year. And if you haven’t played it yet – you should. It boasts originality that will wow you.

The other FM is “Business as Usual” by Bikerdude. This is quite an old FM that’s easily over a year and a half old now. It was also BD’s first mission for TDM, released under the Grand Christmas Contest (GCC) of 2009. It’s not that big of a mission, but it has plenty to explore. And playing it, you’ll probably get a Thief: Deadly Shadows feel – but TDS done right, that is. BAU has been updated to version 2.0.

So you can download the new versions of these FMs from the TDM forums (look under ‘Fan Missions’, taffer). There should be threads with the titles of these missions right in plain view. I’d link to them, but what sort of a thief are you if can’t find them for yourself, anyway? You’ll have to uninstall any existing versions of these FMs you have in your Doom 3 directory. Just delete the folders with the names of these mods (careful to select the right ones). Then you can just copy and past the new pk4 files into the FMs folder inside the doom3/darkmod directory. Easy.

This should tide you over, perhaps until we start to see the new entrants in the Halloween contest ‘2011. By the way, Bikerdude was announced as the winner of the Spring Seasons Contest, for his entry, “Alberic’s Curse”. It’s not too shabby. He beat out Jesps with “Rake-Off”, Fieldmedic with “Reap As You Sow”, and the absolutely dismal “Winter Harvest” by Shadowhide.

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